Tansee iPhone Copy Pack is a communication and backup tool for your iPhone. The application is a pack of 2 applications that allow you to move files from your iPhone to your computer. It can also write on the iPhone's file system. The applications' GUIs are of a basic nature. The welcome screen is divided in two utilities: Tansee iPhone Transfer and Tansee iPhone Transfer Photo. The former allows you to move music and videos from and to the iPhone. The latter is intended for photo transfer. Since the iPhone can't record video without jail-breaking it, the video that will be most compatible with this software is that coming from iTunes. Once you click on any of the aforementioned options, the application will try to find your iPhone and then show you the list of files that you can move or copy. I've experienced a lot of issues in trying Tansee iPhone Copy to find my iPhone, whereas my Mac finds it immediately. However, after a couple of resets, it did. And the transfers worked flawlessly. The files are orderly stored on your computer and it is easy to find the right place to move those files to your iPhone. If it weren't for those connection issues, this application would be great.